Category: Interviews


    Very lovely to be interviewed by Marta Herzbruch about NORA by Il Piccolo, the Trieste-based newspaper that James Joyce wrote for. I love that Jim and Nora portrait.

  • NORA & Bloomsday 2021

    NORA and I will be doing several events for Bloomsday 2021. Ahead of Bloomsday I was interviewed by Chiara Liberio for Radio Dublino on 90.3FM. The piece is here at 16 minutes in. For Bloomsday, Elisabetta D’Erme interviews me for Il Piccolo, the newspaper in Trieste, Italy, that Joyce wrote for, about Joyce, Nora, and…


    Sue Leonard – ghostwriter and journalist – interviewed me for the Irish Examiner about NORA, writing, and life in general. You can read the result of our enjoyable chat here.

  • CITY OF BOOKS podcast – NORA

    Martina Devlin interviewed me about NORA for the City of Books podcast, one of my fave literary pods. I really enjoyed this conversation with Martina, who is not just a great writer, but an accomplished journalist and podcast host too. You can listen to our chat here or wherever you get your podcasts.

  • DBF at Blue Metropolis

    I really enjoyed talking to Breda Brown about NORA for Dublin Book Festival at Blue Metropolis, Canada. We recorded in lovely Kevin St library. Neil Jordan is on with Breda before me. (My bit starts at about 29 mins in.)

  • Galway Libraries video

    I loved taking part in the Women Writers of the West online reading group events, where I talked mostly about my novel Becoming Belle and a little about NORA. You can watch the recording here.


    You can now view the Galway launch of NORA at the wonderful Cúirt Festival on YouTube. Writer Elaine Feeney interviewed me and we had a grand chat about Nora and James Joyce’s relationship, the novel, and more.


    I was interviewed for World Radio Paris by Patricia Killeen. You can listen here.


    Kernan Andrews interviewed me for The Galway Advertiser ahead of my Cúirt appearance on Friday at 5.30pm. Read it here.


    You can listen to me talking about NORA to Seán Rocks on Arena here now. It’s a Cúirt Literature Festival special and I am the first guest on so no slooshing through the programme required! My Cúirt event is on Friday 23rd April at 5.30pm, when I speak with the glorious Galway girl Elaine Feeney.…