Tag: Breda Brown

  • NORA on the BOOK SHOW

    The Book Show, hosted by Rick O’Shea, featured NORA in its historical fiction segment. Big thanks to Breda Brown for highlighting NORA. You can listen here. (The hist fic section starts around 10:15, but Louise Nealon, on first, is also worth a listen.)

  • DBF at Blue Metropolis

    I really enjoyed talking to Breda Brown about NORA for Dublin Book Festival at Blue Metropolis, Canada. We recorded in lovely Kevin St library. Neil Jordan is on with Breda before me. (My bit starts at about 29 mins in.)


    I am taking part in the Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, as part of Dublin Book Festival‘s appearance there. Look out for me, Breda Brown, and NORA on the 29th of April at 3pm GMT. More here. Caoimhe White reviewed NORA on the DBF site here.