Tag Archives: Brendan O'Connor


The link to my interview with Brendan O’Connor on RTÉ Radio 1 is HERE. We talked autism, sobriety, anxiety meds, secrets, Anne Bonny, and more. He was very nice and friendly and I enjoyed the chat.

More chat from me in the Sunday Times yesterday – this time an essay I wrote about autism, tiny fictions, stims and more. See below.

NORA review – Brendan O’Connor show

Thanks a mill to Eibhear Walshe for a fab review of NORA on Saturday’s Brendan O’Connor show on RTÉ Radio 1. Listen here. (Review starts about 10 minutes in.)

The panel also discusses Julia Parry’s The Shadowy Third which I reviewed for Books Ireland magazine. An excellent read, one of my books of the year, for sure. My review of that is here.