Tag: JamesJoyce


    The San Francisco Book Review has given NORA a lovely tiny review. A snip: ‘a truly impressive work of biographical fiction, Nuala O’Connor pens a powerful and incisive account of the life of Nora Joyce, who despite being remembered as “Irish literature’s greatest muse” was really a far more complex, commanding, and intriguing individual than…


    You can listen to me talking about NORA to Seán Rocks on Arena here now. It’s a Cúirt Literature Festival special and I am the first guest on so no slooshing through the programme required! My Cúirt event is on Friday 23rd April at 5.30pm, when I speak with the glorious Galway girl Elaine Feeney.…

  • New Island to publish NORA

    NEW ISLAND PRESS RELEASE—October 8, 2020New Island Books, Glenshesk House, 10 Richview Office Park, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 D14 V8C4 www.newisland.ie NORA will be published by New Island Books in Ireland in April 2021 and is available to pre-order from www.newisland.ie/fiction/nora NORAA love story of Nora Barnacle and James Joyce Jim styles me his sleepy-eyed Nora.…